High school in Orange wants to demolish four buildings as part of major redevelopment
October 6, 2023
By Peter Holmes
Plans for a major renovation at a high school in Orange have been submitted to Orange City Council.
The plans were made public on Friday (October 6, 2023).
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Consent is sought for redevelopment works at Orange Christian School.
"The proposal involves demolition of the building group known as Block M, located adjacent to the northern boundary. Four (4) existing buildings and a covered outdoor learning area will be demolished. A replacement senior school building will be constructed, generally in the same location," the DA states.
The new building would comprise two above-ground stories and a basement/subfloor level.
It would house two visual art studios, seven general learning rooms, three seminar rooms, a senior common room, offices, amenities, plant and stores.
An attached covered outdoor learning area would adjoin the south building façade.
The DA says that the "proposal will not alter other existing school buildings, site access or car parking areas. Enrolment numbers will be retained at current levels".
The site is at 500 Cecil Road.
The applicant for the proposed development is Orange Christian Schools Limited and the consent authority is Orange City Council.
The application will be on public exhibition from today until Friday October 20, 2023.
During this period, any person may make written submission on this development proposal to Orange City Council.
Meanwhile, plans have been re-submitted for a dual occupancy (detached) and two lot Torrens title subdivision at 70 Centennial Crescent, Orange.
The proposal is being re-exhibited due to changes in the proposals staging.
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"The subject land is identified on the Minimum Lot Size Map as having a Minimum Lot Size of both 1500sqm and 850sqm," states the DA.
"Clause 4.1C only applies to land where the entire site has a Minimum Lot Size of 850sqm. The site is exceptional in the circumstances given that it is affected by the 850sqm and 1500sqm Minimum Lot Size.
"To overcome this anomaly the proposal will require a variation of both the 850m² and 1500m² sqm Minimum Lot Sizes.
"This application seeks an exception to these development standards made pursuant to Clause 4.6 of the Local Environmental Plan."
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